• Jessica Martinez


    Ms.Martinez is currently the assistant band director at Calallen Middle School. She is a first year teacher and is excited to start her career as a Wildcat in Calallen!

    Ms.Martinez is orignally from Arlington, TX where she attended school in Mansfield ISD. Prior to arriving at Calallen Ms.Martinez graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor in Music Education. During her time at UT she was a member of the Wind Symphony, Wind Ensemble, Flute Choir, Pep Band, and the Longhorn Band. During her senior year at UT she served as the drum major of the Longhorn Band. 

    Her professional affiliations include Mu Phi Epsilon, Tau Beta Sigma, and Texas Music Educators Association. 

    Ms.Martinez' responsibilites at CMS include teaching the Symphonic Band, Beginner Flute, Beginner Clarinet, and Beginner Saxophone classes. She also assists with the high school marching band program and is the woodwind specialist for the district. 

    Go Wildcats and Hook 'em Horns!