CISD Assessment Information

  • *See Tab on the left to go to SAT/ACT/TSI testing information page

    STAAR 3-8 & EOC results will no longer be mailed home during the summer. STAAR scores can be accessed through Skyward Family Access or the Texas Assessment Family Portal with a student's TSDS ID number, Date of Birth, and their first name.

    How can I find my child’s assessment results?

    1. Log into the Skyward Family Access. Skyward Family Access

    1. Once logged in, select District Links in the top right-hand corner.




    1. Once the drop-down menu appears, select TX ASSESSMENT with your student’s name. This will automatically open a new window and log you into the Texas Assessment Family Portal.


    You can access this past years’ STAAR scores, along with previous years scores (if applicable). Within each test listed, you have the option to view and download detailed reports.








    STAAR Student Portal

    How can I access my child's state assessment scores online? Parents and students may access scores online through the student portal.

    What is the Student Portal? The Student Portal provides parents and students with online access to scores from the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) as well as the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) assessments.

    Specific Features of the Portal:

    • Viewing student assessment results over the course of a student’s academic career.
    • Comparing individual student STAAR assessment results to campus, district, and state averages.
    • Examining student performance on STAAR, including individual student scale scores and objective scores.
    • Examining TELPAS examinee proficiency ratings, comprehension scores and composite score/rating.

    Family Portal located at 

    You will then see this screen: (screenshot)



    If you have your access code, enter the code and your child's birth date to view scores.  If you do not have your access code, click on "How do I look up my access code?"  You will see this screen: (screenshot)

    Enter your child's TSDS ID (10 digit ID found on Skyward), date of birth, and then your child's legal first name. Once the code appears, click "GO TO LOGIN." You will then need to re-enter your child's date of birth, and their legal first name and click "SIGN ON."


    More State Testing Information:

    Updated State Testing Calendars

    The STAAR program includes annual assessments for grades 3–8 in reading and mathematics; in science in grades 5 and 8; social studies in grade 8; and end-of-course assessments for English I, English II,  Algebra I, Biology and U.S History.

    Please see my additional website links for updates on SAT/ACT/TSI exams and Accountability.

    If you have specific testing questions regarding your child/student, please contact your child's counselor.

    Please be on the lookout for benchmark dates and practice materials to help your child prepare for assessments.

    Your continued support and partnership is very much appreciated! Thank you and have a great year!

    April HesseltineDistrict Testing Coordinator